7 Steps to unlock the power of study motivation

A mountain, which is a metaphor for motivation.


Man playing games rather than be motivated to study.

You want to study but aren’t motivated? You know that it is important. But, still you find it hard to study. Every time you sit at your study table and start studying, you cannot concentrate. Your smartphone, video games, TV, and other distractions keep distracting you despite however hard you try to focus. As a result, you cannot study properly. You are not as productive as you can be.

Do you know why?

The answer to this question is simple- you lack the motivation to study. Now, can you do something about it? Yes, you can.

You can unlock the power of study motivation and be your most productive self while studying.

Here are 7 steps to do so:

1. Start your day with affirmations

The first and foremost step is to start your day with powerful affirmations. For example, if you want to study for 2 hours, then you can try reciting affirmations like- I can study for as long as I wish, I can study with concentration and I will. As you recite these affirmations, you signal your brain that you are capable and you can achieve what you want. You can complete all your study targets and accomplish good grades. Thus, you start feeling motivated. Further, you can customize affirmations in accordance with your study targets for the day. In order to get an idea about different ways to create affirmations, you can watch affirmations videos available on YouTube.


2. Determine your reasons to study

This is the second step of your journey towards unlocking study motivation. It involves determining your biggest reason to study. For this, you have to sit at a peaceful place and question yourself- “Why should I study?” You can receive different answers to this question from your inner voice like to keep your family happy or to live the luxurious life you have always dreamt of. Whatever be the reasons, write them on a notepad. Now, that you have the list of reasons to study, you have to go through it every morning after reciting affirmations. As you do so, your motivation to study will start soaring high.

3. Create a study space which reflects your reason to study

This is the third important step which you have to follow. Here, you have to create a study space that reflects your reasons to study. For this, you have to create or find from the internet, some posters, images or quotes which align with your reasons to study. Once you finish creating or printing the respective materials, you have to paste them all over your study space. This makes your study space highly motivating and every time you go there to study, you will automatically get motivated.


4. Set small study targets

This is the fourth and very smart step to unlock study motivation. It involves setting small study targets for yourself. For example, if you have to complete a whole chapter, break into three or four parts. As you do so, you make your brain believe that the task is small and easy to achieve. Thus, you start feeling motivated to complete your small study targets. Further, as you succeed in accomplishing a study target, your motivation level rises even more. As a result, you can proceed towards your next study target with enhanced motivation to study.


5. Use the Pomodoro Technique

The fifth step of your journey to unlock study motivation is to use the Pomodoro technique. It keeps your motivation level maintained by helping you take study breaks around the time when your brain is about to start feeling tired. Given below is the stepwise procedure which you can follow to practice the Pomodoro technique while studying:

  • Select a study target to complete
  • Arrange everything you need to complete it. For example, your textbooks, pencil, eraser, notebook, pen and sharpener.
  • Take a timer and set it to 25 minutes.
  • Take a pledge that during these 25 minutes you’ll only study and that too with full concentration.
  • Start the Pomodoro (timer) and start working on your study target
  • Keep working at your best
  • As the timer rings, you have to stop studying and take a 5- minute break
  • After the break time gets over, reset the timer and start studying again
  • After completing four successive pomodoros, take a longer break for around 20 to 30 minutes
An ice cream treat for staying motivated.
6. Reward yourself at the end of the study day

The sixth step of the process to unlock study motivation is to reward yourself at the end of the study day. You can become eligible for the reward only if you feel that you have actually worked hard. It is not necessary that you have to complete your study targets for getting the reward. This is because some things may take longer to complete than you expected. But, it is just that you should be content with your efforts. At the end of your study time, you should be proud of yourself for having studied well. If so, you can reward yourself with some time to play your favorite game, a chit-chat session with your friends, and your favorite dish to eat.


7. List your achievements for the day

This is the final step of your way to keep yourself motivated to study. Here, you have to list down your achievements for the day on a notepad. As you write your achievements, your heart smiles at your success. You bask in overwhelming joy at your study progress. This happiness which you feel is addictive in nature. Thus, it motivates you to perform even better. As a result, your study motivation keeps soaring high.


To conclude, the above-mentioned steps can help you unlock the power of study motivation. It is with this power that you can stay away from distractions and study with concentration.

Guest Author:  Jessica Robinson is a creative woman by heart and a research writer, who is solely dedicated to the task of conceptualizing, analyzing, and drafting articles on many issues. She is a woman of words, who has been delivering quality, accompanied by efficiency from the past 10 years. Additionally, it is much owing to her professional management degree from Melbourne University, which has exposed her to such proficient skills.